A Letter of Thanks

As we move into 2018, I want to thank all of you supporters and fans of my book True Family Wealth: Love, Money and an Inspired Life.  I really, sincerely, mean that. Let me tell you why.  As you probably know, in my “day job” I am the CEO of a family wealth management firm […]

Family Celebrations & True Family Wealth

Part of Creating True Family Wealth & A Healthy Dynamic Team. Creating True Family Wealth begins with family celebrations marking milestones and accomplishments and is part of the fun of being together.  As with any business,  celebrations are used to create a cohesive unit within an organization.  So too are family celebrations which are an […]

How To Discover Your True Calling

Once you reach maturity and independence, it’s up to you to define your “calling” in life. A true calling is an inner drive to express yourself in a very specific way. It’s your passion. It’s discovered through awareness of your own unique set of values with which you have come to naturally identify yourself. You’ll […]

True Family Wealth – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself and Re-think Creativity

Use your power We often feel dissatisfied with where we are and what we don’t have. No matter how financially “successful” we are, we can think of someone personally—or perhaps know of someone—who seems to have so much more than we do: more stuff, more money, more fun, more power, more fame. If you don’t […]

True Family Wealth & the Business of Family

What would happen if your family came together to agree on common values that gave you a clear identity of who you are and what you are about? What if you were unified as a family with a common mission and had a strategic plan outlining how you would each work to support one another […]

True Family Wealth Means Defining Your Dreams

For True Family Wealth you need to define your dreams. The more your define your dreams, the more likely you are to achieve your dreams. Ask yourself these questions: What is the greatest vision for your life now, given your values and purpose? What do you want your future to look like? Your big dream […]

How NOT to lose the family fortune in three generations.

Without Losing it …or them. 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the second generation, and 90% by the third, according to a recent study in the US.  * An astonishing 90 percent of family wealth and families will be back in ‘clogs’ in three generations. Yes, 90%. If you have both created and […]

What is the truth about money?

We seem to both love and fear money, as if it’s a god. Who gave money all this power over our lives anyway? Oh, right. We did…