A Letter of Thanks

As we move into 2018, I want to thank all of you supporters and fans of my book True Family Wealth: Love, Money and an Inspired Life.  I really, sincerely, mean that. Let me tell you why.

 As you probably know, in my “day job” I am the CEO of a family wealth management firm – First Affiliated Holdings Inc.. The financial industry in general is in the process of massive change as it adjusts to a world with higher costs, higher regulation and loss of trust.  The world of money is fraught with fear and anxiety, for clients and advisors alike. Many people struggle to make ends meet while others with financial resources, fear losing them in toppy, unpredictable markets. Advisors fear being replaced by Robo advisors. But for me, the eternal optimist, I see the rapid change as a good thing!

 You see, I believe we are growing up. We are discovering our power to express our truth, speak our mind, and give the best of ourselves to others around us. We are being asked to dig deep and pull up the shadows of ourselves and society around us (the financial industry included). And we are learning that it is no one else’s responsibility to turn the light on that darkness, but our own. The discomfort we feel is simply growing pains.

If you have read True Family Wealth, you will know it is not at all the usual financial book. It came from my heart, my passion and my hopeful mission that every family and its members can thrive, regardless of the size of their bank account.

 And that is why I am so grateful to you all who have supported this book. I was truthfully fearful of putting the book out there. My industry doesn’t traditionally go to “that place of feeling” – preferring to keep it professional and practical. I took a big risk, not just for me and my family personally, but for my business and the staff members who have devoted themselves to it. And I have been rewarded tremendously!

I have been inspired by the conversations with people the book has touched. I am thrilled to see families begin to put The Family Treasury™ process into action as they begin to build a kick ass team of high esteem. And I am reassured by those in my industry who have reached out to congratulate me and confirm that they support my mission whole heartedly.

Almost 10 years ago, I wrote this Holiday Wish and feel like it never gets old. I would like to share it with you in thanks.


My wish for 2018

That we remember to take care of each other, whether friend or stranger;

That we turn away from negativity, and discipline our minds and bodies to perpetuate the positive through our actions and our thinking;

That we stand up with confidence and nurture our world with love and hope;

That within our means, we send our money and the energy that is behind it, out there circulating in the world, spreading its blessings to all;

That you and yours are embraced with peace, good health and prosperity.

– Chris Clarke


As a way to keep the spirit alive and the conversations going in 2018, I will be sharing short blogs with you every three weeks or so. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if something resonates with you – or if you have a related experience you would like to share.


Best Wishes for a Bigger and Brighter 2018!








